Life Group sign ups are now closed for the spring semester.

Spring Life Groups begin the week of Feb. 18 and will end the week of May 5-11.

Life Group FAQ’s

Here are some frequently asked questions about Life Groups:

Why should I join a Life Group?

Everyone wants to CONNECT! You will grow in your faith. Prayer from others will help you through tough times and enjoy life. You’ll meet new friends. You’ll have fun with other people going through the same things you are. Here at Coastal we believe as the church grows larger we must grow smaller and more intimate through LIFE Groups. Jump in, make some new friends, and learn more about Jesus while you’re doing it!

What happens at a Life Group?

Every group is different but there are some common threads. Most groups have a time for hanging out, talking about the week and what’s going on in life. The central component is a study of something relevant to the members of the group. It may be the study of a book of the Bible, a topical book, learning from Jesus which incorporates Scripture, or following the sermon from Pastor Chris. Our groups are designed to facilitate friendship, encourage discussion, help us to pray and serve in community and engage each person in the process!

How long will my Life Group last?

Our LIFE Groups will last 8-12 weeks depending on the group and topic. They will begin the week of February 18th – 24th and will end no later than Mother’s Day.

What if I want to attend more than one group?

You can join as many groups as you want. What’s most important is that you commit to attend that group for the semester.